Friday, August 14, 2009

First Print Media Review and Patrons Reviews

I'm delighted to share with you all the first print media review of Addiiton: An Unconventional Love Story. It's from Vue Weekly.

Addition: An Unconventional Love Story
Alexis Kienlen

[★★★★ out of 5]
Local playwright Justen Bennett creates a believable, funny and sweet story in this tale of a loving gay couple who decide to bring a third to their bed. This play is a complete treat. The script is snappy and the plot moves along at a rapid pace. Characters are fully rounded and have discussions that let their nerd flags [fly] as they discuss Star Trek, board games and role play. The actors seemed a bit nervous on their first night, but by the end of the run should be able to deliver a top-flight show.

I have to say I'm incredibly pleased about our first print review. If you'd like to read reviews from other patrons who have seen the show (or leave your own once you watch it), check out the following:
Here are some snippets from the Fringe patron reviews:

"Addition takes on what could be a very awkward topic and treats [it] with such human warmth that you could actually see yourself in the same situation."

"As a straight guy, going in I did not know what to expect [...] but Addition was much better than I could have envisioned. The humor is sharp and clever, the emotions real and relate-able and the story touching and clever. [...] It was one of the most enjoyable plays I've been to in a long time."

"Addition exceeded my expectations (and they were high). Justen has written a hilarious, touching and identifiable play with very real characters."

"Addition is relatable to everyone, gay or straight, monogamous or otherwise."

"Believable and thought-provoking"

"I saw the play last night, and am still grinning."

There has been a great response and we will continue to do our best and to earn even more positive reviews from patrons and media alike.

Justen Bennett

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